Saturday, June 12, 2010

Professional Development

Do you feel the professional development you received Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday prepared you for your first day with the students?
Please explain; we want your honest feedback.


  1. The training for the summer enrichment program was exactly what I needed. The support and encouragement in reading have been tremendous. I felt as prepared as I could for the first day. Thank you all for your support!
    MariKate Howell

  2. I feel that the training was a lot to recieve in a short amount of time, but it was well needed. The encouragement and day to day motivation helped me feel comfortable on the first day.

  3. I realize it was a lot of information in a short amount of time Timothy, and teaching takes a LOT of preparation. Do you think there is a better way to present the information in the future?

  4. I think we definately needed the training and it did help alot. All of the problems I encountered on the first day were situational (ex: one class being too long and the others a bit shorter). I think experience is the only thing that can really help me to be better prepared...and experience is what I am indeed getting now.

  5. I agree that the training was a lot to receive but I still think I was prepared as far as what I was going to be teaching. Of course we have gotten so much encouragement and support which made my first week enjoyable. While I was stressed at certain points, the teachers/mentors have made it so great. I agree that experience is what will make those little things that seem to throw our day off go away.

  6. I also agree that the training was needed. I like the way the CASE material was presented. As far as implementing it in my classroom, the only thing I might suggest is having the materials ready earlier so that we can have a little more time to get our room prepped for the lessons. I enjoyed the team building workshop as well.

  7. I do realize the materials are an issue at times. Acquiring the resources for this number of children is a challenge, but we are doing the best we can. I already know I need MORE paint for next week :-) Teachers, you are so GREAT about being positive, flexible, and adaptable. Keep up the good work!

  8. I feel that we should have had some of the materials before the development days. I also feel like we should have had some input on what was bought for the classrooms before they were bought so things were not wasted and we got what we needed.

  9. But I am glad that we were able to have the development days and was also glad we were introduced to the CASE classes before hand.

  10. Unfortunately, I was unable to be there the first week. I can say, in hindsight, however, that the program has been incredibly beneficial to my future as a teacher. Even though I am not in control of a classroom, I have learned so much strictly through observation and my short experiences teaching. I will say, though, that anyone in the future acting in my role might be better served by having more clearly defined expectations and job descriptions.

  11. The professional develoment was great! Not only did it help prepare us for what we would be teaching it also gave us a chacnce to spend some time getting to know each other. With CASE some days have been better than others, but we have managed to take it day by day and hopefully our end result will be a positive one! Kyndal

  12. Kimberly WashingtonJune 28, 2010 at 7:33 PM

    I thank God for the professional development. I am a person who needs to see things and read things in order to get a good understanding. The CASE materials were presented fast; however, what I did not understand, someone else was able to help me to understand. I am also glad that I was paired up with the math team. I received a lot of valuable information at one time. I needed the information in order to get my weeks for this program together. All of this information will help me for the rest of my career.

  13. The training was very helpful! It gave me a great foundation in which to build from. It has been trial and error with classroom distractions and the time limit provided.

  14. I do feel that the professional development training prepared me for the first week of school, especially for CASE. Thinking of science activities/lessons wasn't bad. The training helped alot with the CASE activities. There were plenty of ideas given and advice for future teaching.

  15. The professional development before teaching the students was a great help for me. I went in not knowing what to expect, but soon realized that I was not going to be left out there without any guidance. The help with the CASE curriculum a big plus in my eyes and gave me great ideas for the future.
