Saturday, June 12, 2010

Questions for Next Week?

What questions, concerns or needs do you have in preparing for the upcoming week?


  1. At this point, I feel ready to take on the week. The only thing I am worried about is time during character education. It is hard getting 20 fourth grade girls to stay focused during art!! Maybe it is just a personal problem...:)
    In other words, I am working on it.
    Thank you again!

  2. Good comment MariKate. I do not feel it is "personal.". The nature of the activities is more open-ended and encourages movement, talking, and tactile-kinesthetic interaction. The time of day is in the afternoon, after lunch, and after a full morning of academics. The students want to socialize (Have you ever been to a rowdy faculty meeting at the end of a day? :-)The "CASE" content is often new to students and promotes excitement. Sooo...this is a perfect opportunity for you to practice behavior and classroom management skills under authentic conditions! . Remind students of rules and consequences. Stop all activity to get attention if you have to. Remember, you've only been with these students a week and building rapport, establishing routines, respect, etc....doesn't happen over night. Thanks for sharing this with us; I bet others have similar challenges and I hope they will post suggestions too.

  3. At this point, I don't have too many questions. It seems that, at least for me, my questions always arise after something unexpected happens in the classroom.
    I agree with MariKate about time also. During certain character education activities (like the painting), I found it quite difficult to get everything done in the alotted amount of time. I am interested to see if this is a problem that I will encounter this week also.

  4. The fact that you are reflecting on these afternoon challenges is a positive. I will ditto Dr. Baggett's comments- it is the toughest time of the day! You will find this true during the regular school year as well! Keeping the student engaged, motivated, learning, and following the rules in the afternoon can be tough, but you will find what makes this work in your classroom, just as you are finding what makes this work now. :)

  5. To continue with this discussion, I too feel that CASE can be difficult sometimes, and honestly, I cannot blame a fourth grader for not wanting to sit still on a hot summer day afternoon. I know, however, that some great moments have come from these times. Although the students might often try to be silly, there are always moments that make it completely worth it. I know that I struggle with my first class as well, as I am not a morning person. Although I do my best to be ready for these early classes, oftentimes I notice that I am not able to conduct my class as well as I do a little later on.

  6. Kimberly WashingtonJune 28, 2010 at 7:37 PM

    If I had read this blog before today, I would have needed help with finishing up my shell art project and the model magic. The students finished this on today. Today, was my best day with art in my classroom! I think it is because I have learned my students and they have learned me.

  7. I felt well prepared for the week. I believe I could use help hanging my students work and preparing for Friday!

  8. My concerns for this week were similar to Christa's, I just really needed help getting prepared for Friday. Making sure the classroom is decorate with the students work and also getting the CASE activities done.
